Sunday, 25 September 2016

20th September Jonathan Ashworth Prints

On Tuesday 20th September we started to collect Artist research and create 2 A3 boards for the project "Natural World". These artists related to the path and theme I am following from my primary sketchbook, mood-boards and specialised workshop which is textiles. By collecting artist’s research, it has allowed me to generate further ideas for the project and gain inspiration from techniques and skills that the artist uses. Also, the research allows us to create critical studies and explore the same materials and techniques that the artists use. Finally, this research allowed me to develop my confidence with using new materials and techniques which will be developed further into the project and course.

At the start of the task, I found collecting artist research difficult as I was unsure which theme and inspiration from my moodboards and sketchbook I was wanted to develop further into my project. To solve the problem I decided to create a Pinterest board and collect a leaflet from my visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. I visited an exhibition which was called which held a collection of artist’s work that has been inspired by nature. From my visit I found an artist called Jonathan Ashworth who creates prints that explore nature campaigns and textures. I found his work inspiring and I continued to develop my knowledge further and create an artist sheet around my primary and secondary research. After collecting information about his work, I decided to explore artwork which had campaigns and captions about saving the environment. This was inspired by my primary research at Glastonbury Festival. I remembered an artist called Tracy Emin previously through my course who creates textile work with campaigns and captions. I decided to develop my knowledge and research this artist in further detail. This was also useful because it related back to my specialised topic of textiles and it will allow me to gain confidence with working on fabric and sewing techniques. After collecting research of my chosen artists I started to create my boards.
When I was collecting research about Jonathan Ashworth, I discovered that the artist creates prints using one colour. I decided to use the same process and create Lino-prints for my critical study. I have previous knowledge of this technique and I was curious to develop my skills further for the task.

"Our World"

Throughout the task I followed health and safety instructions. Firstly, I used a board in order to have an even surface to work through. Also when I was working into the lino, I placed the tools away from my hand to avoid risk of injury. These instructions were maintained throughout the task.
Lino board
I gained confidence throughout the lino-cutting task and I started to create strong patterns of Jonathan Ashworths work. However, a problem I faced when creating a design was the lettering on the surface of the Lino board. I placed the lettering incorrectly onto the surface which will make the lettering appear backwards when printing the final outcome. However, I will still continue to use the design for my critical study but also learn from this for further designs in the future. The designs I created are presented below.
I traced the outline of the design onto tracing

The traced outline was transferred onto the lino board which was ready to be cut out. 
Final Outcome which presents my development and confidence I have gained from
completing the task.

Final outcome which includes the mistake of placing the letters incorrectly onto the surface
of the design.

I created a variety of depth and textures through using the tools which created an
effective outcome.
Overall, the workshop was successful as it has allowed me to collect further research and develop my ideas for the project "Natural World". Also, the task has allowed me to gain confidence and develop my skills further through Lino-cutting to create prints. Next, I will continue to create further prints around Jonathan Ashworths work and use the printing process to create the final outcomes of my designs.

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