Saturday, 13 May 2017

Creative CV

As part of my research file and task, I have developed and progressed to create my final creative CV exploring myself as a Textiles artist and how it can be incorporated into my layout of the task. The requirements for the task included that the design must relate back to my chosen career pathway and the project theme I have explored throughout the task. From generating ideas through my initial design ideas in my research file and mind map, I have summarised my ideas to 2 designs in which have been created within the Textiles workshop but also independent study. Due to the restraints within college around the use of Sewing machine this impacted my design progression and completing areas in time given. To resolve the situation, the CV sampling were also created and completed through my independent study but also my personal sewing machine. To capture the CV template generated onto a creative perspective, I had to take into consideration the Textiles workshop and techniques within the studio in which I can use. I discovered from previous knowledge taken from my Creative Business Cards that magic touch paper would work effectively and can be heat pressed and transferred well onto fabric highlighting imagery and fonts. For the task I decided to include the CV template in which I wrote and adapted within my independent study which are also copies placed within my technical file. As the layout was transferred onto a publisher document a problem was faced with scale and proportion to fit the required design. Firstly, the piece was generated through a word document and transferred onto a publisher outline to be edited and adapted in scale. Within the Textiles studio I have planned and prepared before the task to create the magic touch outcome through obtaining 4 pieces of A4 Calico fabric. This fabric was chosen to connect my CV to the project further as the same material was used through my final piece development, outcome and creative business cards. This continuous theme and movement of the fabric connected to my work outcomes well and was developed further to suit the CV Template. In preparation for the design I discovered through measurement that the design didn’t fit the template of A4 standard size. To solve the problem, the piece was measured and I achieved the scale of 28cm by 45cm. This worked with in my favour as the standard A4 size is 29.7cm by 42cm which resolved the problem of document size as the publisher document size would be placed well onto the surface. However for the document to fit I had to change the scale and size of the CV layout which was placed onto 2 document pages. This was challenging because I felt I created a well-developed and detailed CV that was filled with my interests and experiences. From cutting down the size of the piece it was very challenging as I felt the impact of the CV was less useful but it did allow me to adapt and arrange the CV to suit the more creative perspective. The layout was reduced by irrelevant information around art which maintained the creative perspective of the piece. Also, to prepare for the magic touch surface I reduced the scale and proportion in order to fit all the relevant information but also make the captions and separation stand out. As the document was completed, I placed the surface design to Reprographics and obtained my blue card to collect the 2 sample of the CV. It has allowed me to prepare and organise for the task to be used within the Textiles studio. The magic touch paper was edited and placed backwards through the surface so that it will be spelt correctly when transferred onto fabric. Next I went back to the Textiles studio to produce samples. For my creative CV I decided to create two separate designs highlighting my skills and techniques in which I have obtained throughout my progression. I have decided to create a screen print and batik sample connecting to my project through the Miners’ Strike but samples already created well within my technical file. To prepare for the screen-print sample, I placed news-print to cover the areas in which I didn’t want to include and highlight the design I wanted to achieve. I decided to pick my “Coal Not Dole” design as I felt the surface provided the most intricate details and surface pattern design. The process went well as I repeated the same colour scheme to suit my design and captured the black layer well. All the designs were placed accurately and measured well within the surface. Then at each layer that I completed a hair dryer was used which increased the production well to achieve the creative CV within the time given. From previous understanding through business cards and the Creative CV the material bled to the background of the surface which would affect the magic touch paper and make the process difficult to read. To solve the situation and prepare in advance, extra calico fabric was captured and the magic touch paper was placed onto a separate design. Then these two separate fabrics would be connected together with the sewing machine which worked well as it developed further skills and techniques gained within the studio. Next, the calico surface was placed under the heat press with the fabric. Health and safety was maintained throughout the task the hands were placed away from both surfaces of the machine. Once the piece was captured under the heat press it was removed quickly to reveal the design. Through the design, i removed the paper to reveal the outcome which worked well. The design was displayed in detail and worked well with the contrasting monotone fabric of calico. However, when producing my second design layout I faced a problem which was that when removing the paper caused damage to the bottom layer of the design which faded part of the writing displayed. This issue wasn’t major through consulting peers as the writing could still be read well and displayed the important information. Once magic touch paper was created I focused with my next design layout through the process of Batik. The process was previously captured through sampling and my technical file which worked well within the surface and allowing me to express fonts and displays well. The same process was repeated well which included me spelling out the words “support the miners” which connects to my final screen-print piece. I have used batik dyes and repeated the same colour scheme obtained through my research and final outcome to connect to each other well. Next the piece was placed under the iron and newsprint to remove excess wax to reveal the printed spelling. This outcome worked well and captured my free-hand development and progression throughout the project. Then the piece was transferred back to screen-printing where I used the miners face print from the screen that was repeated twice onto the surface. It connected to my work well as this character was reinforced and used within my business card development. Once both pieces were dry they were placed into the sewing machine through my independent study to create the final stage of the CV. Inspired by cv research I found the embroidery backgrounds were displayed well and made each individual piece unique within the surface. The sewing machine connected the samples and CV outcomes together for the facing and background design. Once the pieces were pinned down they were fed through the machine with red thread and the pattern 2 within the machine. This was generated because it connects to the style of applique and the same thread used within my design stage. Once the pieces were sewn together it completed the design and the outcomes are presented below.

Calico and Magic Touch Paper

outcome of heat press

Outline of Batik Guidance

Batik display

Batik Outcome

Screen-print sample

screen-print layout

CV outline

Sewing Machine

Setting and Adjustments

screen print layer

screen transferring design

The creative CVs have shown my progression and research in depth analysis achieved from the previous workshop task and Pinterest research. It connects to my development achieved within my technical file and has shown my depth understanding of the topic. I have enjoyed capturing these pieces and incorporating varied techniques and processes into two separate design outcomes. I was pleased with the appearance of both designs as it has shown my development and inspiration achieved through my technical and research gained throughout the project. It has captured the brief requirements and has been adapted to suit the style and theme created from the project.

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