Final Evaluation
For my research for the project the “Natural World” I first
visited the Liverpool World Museum to obtain primary research from a range of
aspects of nature which included an aquarium, bug house, natural history,
fossils, space and cultures across the world. By collecting primary research
from a wide aspect of nature, it allowed me to identify areas which inspired me
the most and what elements I would like to take further and develop into my
project. Also, from my visit to Liverpool I visited the Tate Gallery to explore
contemporary artists but also to gain information from pieces of work to relate
to the project theme. However, the visit to the Tate Gallery wasn’t useful as I
could collect primary research of artworks that linked to my project theme. In
the summer holidays I visited Glastonbury Festival where I collected a large
amount of primary research and observational drawings from different aspects
and areas of the festival. From all of the primary research I collected, I
believed that Glastonbury was the most inspiring as it allowed me to interpret
the theme differently through protecting the world and the environment around
us. This included gaining primary research from Greenpeace which held a theme
of protecting the environment from industry, oil companies and government. I
also, explored the area called “Green Futures Field” which expanded my
knowledge of protecting the environment through recycling and reducing carbon
emissions. Throughout the festival, various artists including Joe Rush
displayed artwork which linked to the natural world which was inspiring to
collect information from as I was learning new ways to protect our environment
around us. A big theme that inspired my project whist visiting Glastonbury was
the campaigning artwork and graffiti pieces. The campaign artwork featured
posters highlighting important issues that are effecting the environment and
society in 2016. This was also featured on displays and sculptures throughout
the festival and a big topic was the importance of bees and flowers to our
environment. I gained information from these displays which had a big impact
and influence for my project journey as I followed creating pieces of work
around these ideas towards my final samples and visual sheets. Glastonbury
Festival allowed me to explore different worlds through imaginative areas that
explored societies and sculptures which also had a big impact within my
sketchbook. Finally, the festival emphasised the importance of protecting our
world through recycling which was presented through displays and stages such as
“Arcadia” which was built up from scrap metal to create a giant spider
structure. Overall, Glastonbury Festival was the biggest inspiration from my
primary research collected over the summer as it also allowed me to understand
further the importance of protecting our environment. Next for my primary
research, I visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park to gain photographs of a variety of
different animals from different environments and habitats. These images
included close-up photographs of animal features to landscape photographs of
the habitats and different environments. Through the summer holidays, I
completed a scheme called NCS which involved visiting the Lake District and
Sheffield. I generated observational drawings whilst visiting the Lake District
which included capturing caves, quarry mines, villages, cliffs and accommodation
gardens. I found collecting observational drawings and photographs from the
Lake District Useful as it allowed me to explore different environments and
scenery. From my visit to Sheffield, I completed the “Herd Of Sheffield” which
was to find a variety of elephant sculptures on display around the city centre.
All of the elephants were unique and displayed different artworks which related
back to Sheffield’s history and culture. From my holiday to Spain, I collected
observational drawings around the coastline and elements within the environment
which included palm trees and sea. Also, I collected photographs of the
landscapes and further primary research from a visit to a local animal park. I
collected primary photographs of exotic birds and aquatic mammals from
different environments and habitats. I visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, to
collect artist’s research from a nature exhibition which had a big impact with
my further research. Finally, from college we visited Wig Field Farm to gain observational
drawings of farm animals and objects. Looking back at summer, I believe that I
managed the task well as I collected research when I travelled to different
places effectively and use a wide variety of primary research techniques. Also,
I believed that I planned my time efficiently throughout the summer to complete
the task given. To improve next time I would plan my time more efficiently to
complete annotations thoroughly as this was completed at the end of the task
which wasn’t useful or helpful for me towards the end of the project. I
developed my sketchbook throughout the summer by adding photographs and
drawings from places I visited which shows the journey I completed in order
throughout the summer holidays. This also demonstrates my influences from each
primary research area I collected and what elements I will like to develop
further through the project. My sketchbook presents my development and specific
areas that inspired me the most to complete the summer task. I developed my
mood-boards from my sketchbook pages as I photocopied pages what inspired me
the most to create new sheets and present specifically what topics and areas I
want to develop further. I struggled to complete my first mood board sheet as I
believe that it wasn’t inspiring me enough to be develop further. I developed
mood-boards further by creating a second design which was inspired by my
flowers research which impacted my development. As well as completing
mood-boards I also created artists research. My chosen artists included
Johnathan Ashworth, Angie Lewin and Tracey Emin. Jonathan Ashworth was
collected from Yorkshire Sculpture Park where I discovered he was a print
artist who created pieces around protecting the environment. This artist linked
to my work as I was researching into campaigning artwork which was originally
developed from my visit to Glastonbury. Angie Lewin was also collected from the
Yorkshire Sculpture Park as I gained primary research around her work. The
artist is a printmaker who creates artwork inspired from flowers and
landscapes. The artist linked to my work because I was also developing ideas
specifically from flowers which was demonstrated from my moodboard and research
from Glastonbury as I discovered the importance of them. Finally for my artist’s
research, I collected information around the artist Tracey Emin where I focused
with her Textiles work. The artist relates to my work as she has expressed her
opinions and women’s right through campaigning artwork and she has placed
lettering onto her designs. This was a topic I was exploring from my
Glastonbury research which was campaigning artwork that expresses protecting
the environment around us. Also, the artist relates to my work because she has
created embroidery pieces which is similar to my work and the specialised
workshop for my project which is textiles. All of the chosen artists have
influenced my work as I have taken techniques and styles into my own ideas and
work to create visual sheets for my own patterns. Also for my artist’s
research, I experimented with printing techniques which included lino-cutting
and poly-printing. This allowed me to gain samples and experiment with a
variety of colours and surfaces. For my design sheets, these were specialised
to suit my workshop which was Textiles. Within Textiles, I have gained and
experimented with a variety of skills and techniques. I have started to learn
how to use a domestic sewing machine, created felt which was developed into
needle felting, coated screens, prepared screens, heat transferred fabrics,
dyed cotton and exposed designs to be transferred onto screens. For each task,
I have experimented with different fabrics, colours, designs and sewing
techniques to present my development and knowledge of each process. I will
continue to develop these techniques further throughout the course and within
my specialised workshop textiles. Screen-printing has influenced me throughout
the project as I have gained the knowledge to adapt it in order to create my
repeated screen. Also, needle-felting has influenced me as it
was a method I enjoyed creating and I believe I will want to continue to
develop my skills further throughout the course. For the visual sheets, I
gained inspiration from my moodboards, artist research and sketchbook pages to
develop a layout and patterns for my final repeated screen. When creating the
patterns I considered keywords in Textiles throughout the task which allowed me
to create effective outcomes and designs to be taken into samples and
experimentation. The final layout combined the ideas of protecting bees and the
importance of flowers which link together perfectly. When creating samples, I
used paper and developed my confidence further and used recycled calico, dyed
cotton and 1m cotton. To experiment with my samples, I tested each individual
screen separately to test colours but also to make screens were accurate. Also,
to experiment with samples I combined all the screens together to check if they
work together perfectly. Finally, to experiment with samples I explored a
variety of colours and materials which included screen-printing paint which was
ideal for samples. All the materials
chosen were suitable as the designs worked effectively onto different surfaces
and highlighted the pattern and detail of my final repeated screen. When
creating the screens I discovered that two out of three were less effective as
they didn’t expose well onto the surface of the screen. To solve the problem I
used a photocopier to emphasise the tracings which would allow the design to be
exposed better onto the screen. This process was repeated twice for the screens
as one of them blistered when exposed again. The first sample outcomes from the
screens were less effective as the design was unclear and the surface for each
layer wasn’t showing the whole designs in colour. However, as I continued to
expose screens and develop them the outcomes were improving and my paper
samples were ready to be taken into fabric and cotton. I decided to demonstrate
that my design is a repeated screen through creating a large scale piece by
using 1m cotton. This cotton allowed me to present the colours I have explored
and to demonstrate that the print would work effectively repeated equally onto
the surface of the design. I also enjoyed creating minute samples of my screens
onto my dyed fabrics as I could create and demonstrate each individual design
onto different surfaces. To improve next time I would check the measurements of
my design layouts as I found it difficult to match the layers together when
printing combined. At the start of the project I believe that I planned my time
efficiently when collecting research and producing them into my sketchbook
pages. However, towards the end of the project I believed that I didn’t manage
my time well as I believe that I lost time for experimenting with samples in
the last couple of weeks. I will continue to work on managing my time
efficiently as I believe it’s an area that I need to improve on. Throughout the
project I used my blog effectively, to write about each workshop I have
completed and reflect on what skills I have gained through Textiles. To improve
my blog, I will start to include videos and hyperlinks that will show me
completing tasks but also elements which inspire such as textiles tutorials.
Overall, I have enjoyed this project as I have learnt a variety of information
from my research process which includes the importance of protecting the
environment. I believe that the project has allowed me to interpret and expand
the theme effectively as I have explored campaigning to save our natural world.
I have gained a variety of skills within textiles which has been adapted into
the project and I will continue to develop these skills further throughout the
course. The samples I have created demonstrate
my journey and progress through Textiles as I have learnt and developed techniques
which have allowed me to complete effective samples towards the end of the
project. These experiments allowed me to learn and understand how the
techniques are used and how I can improve my prints and outcomes. For example
at the start of the project, I discovered that my exposed screens didn’t work
effectively when producing outcomes and prints. To solve the problem I created
further exposed screens and continued to experiment further which gained
effective outcomes and prints. I have used samples that I have collected
throughout the project to create prints and outcomes.Overall, I am pleased with
the outcome of my samples and prints as it has shown my development and process
throughout the project. I believe that nature will always be a strong influence
towards my artwork and designing.